
Embarking on a journey to the captivating Andaman and Nicobar Islands is like stepping into a paradise on Earth. Located in the Bay of Bengal, this archipelago is renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty, serene beaches, and rich cultural heritage. Among the many enchanting islands, Havelock Island, Cellular Jail, Port Blair, Chidiya Tapu, Baratang, Elephanta Beach, and Radhanagar Beach stand out as must-visit destinations. Join me as I recount my unforgettable trip to these mesmerizing locations.

A journey filled with adventure, new learning and exploration so fasten your seat belts!

We took our flight to Port Blair from Chennai, but as it happens in the monsoon’s we could not land in Port Blair due to heavy rains. After trying a couple of times, we flew back to Chennai with a heavy heart of missing out 1 day of our adventure. But lucky as we were, we extended our stay by one day. The next day we again flew to Port Blair and this time had a perfect landing.

 Day 1: Checked into our hotel at Port Blair: A Vibrant Capital City

Port Blair, the capital city of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and historical significance. It serves as the gateway for most tourists visiting the archipelago. I immersed myself in the local culture, explored the bustling markets, and savored local food.

Our site seeing started with Cellular Jail: A Glimpse into the Past

A visit to the Cellular Jail in Port Blair is a journey back in time to the era of India’s struggle for independence. This infamous colonial prison, also known as “Kala Pani,” once held many freedom fighters captive. Exploring the museum and witnessing the light and sound show, recounting the stories of the brave souls who endured immense hardship, was a deeply moving experience.

The Samudrika Naval Marine Museum and Anthropological Museum provided valuable insights into the region’s marine life and indigenous communities.

Day 2: Baratang Island: A Hidden Gem

To go to Baratang Island from Port Blair, you may either hire a private car or take a private AC bus, which is considered the best and most convenient option. If you’re looking for a more affordable option, a government bus from Port Blair is your best chance. The trip comprises driving across the Andaman Trunk Road (ATR) and a quick vehicle-ferry connection, which is commonly done in groups.

Chidiya Tapu: A Birdwatcher’s Delight

Located on the southernmost tip of South Andaman, Chidiya Tapu is a haven for nature enthusiasts and birdwatchers. The lush mangroves, dense forests, and stunning sunset views make it an ideal spot for a tranquil retreat. As I wandered through the nature trails, I was greeted by a plethora of colorful bird species, including the famous Andaman woodpecker and the white-bellied sea eagle.

Baratang: Nature’s Marvels Unveiled

Baratang Island, with its unique geological formations and dense tropical forests, offers a truly adventurous experience. Witnessing the fascinating limestone formations at the famous Mud Volcano and exploring the natural wonders of the limestone caves left me in awe of Mother Nature’s craftsmanship. You can see the Jarawa adivasi’s while you travel the Baratang Islands. It is said that they have been inhabitants of this place since a long time.

Day 3: Havelock Islands.

The location is accessible by Port Blair through government-run ships and private cruises. We had booked our travel with Makruzz a private cruise ship. It was an amazing cruising through the sea and feeling the sea breeze.

Havelock Island: A Tropical Paradise now known as Swaraj Dweep

Off the beaten path, Swaraj Dweep, also known as the “Island of Freedom,” holds a special place in the hearts of history buffs. This island served as a shelter for Indian revolutionaries during the freedom struggle. Exploring the remnants of their hideouts and hearing their stories of courage and sacrifice was a humbling experience, offering a deeper understanding of India’s struggle for independence.

Swaraj Dweep earlier know as Havelock Island, the largest of the Andaman Islands, is a haven for beach lovers. Its crystal-clear turquoise waters, pristine white sandy beaches, and lush greenery create a postcard-perfect setting. The island is famous for its Radhanagar Beach, often hailed as one of Asia’s best beaches. Strolling along the shore, dipping my toes in the warm water, and witnessing stunning sunsets were moments that will forever remain etched in my memory.

Radhanagar Beach: Nature’s Serenade

Radhanagar Beach, located on Swaraj Dweep (Havelock Island), offers a slice of paradise with its pristine sands and azure waters. Time seemed to stand still as I relaxed under the swaying palm trees, listening to the soothing sound of the waves. This beach is a haven for sunbathers, swimmers, and nature lovers alike, providing the perfect setting for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Elephanta Beach: Underwater Extravaganza

For those seeking underwater adventures, Elephanta Beach is an absolute must-visit. Known for its vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life, this beach offers excellent opportunities for snorkeling and scuba diving. I had the privilege of exploring the underwater world, encountering colorful corals, exotic fish, and even turtles. The pristine waters and the incredible biodiversity beneath the surface left me spellbound.

Kala Pathar Beach: Breathtaking Natural Beauty

The beach derives its name from the striking black rocks that adorn its shores, contrasting beautifully with the white sands and azure waters. As I set foot on Kala Pathar Beach, I was instantly captivated by its serene ambiance and pristine surroundings. The gentle lapping of the waves, the cool ocean breeze, and the panoramic views of the turquoise sea create a tranquil retreat. Whether it’s a leisurely stroll along the shoreline or simply immersing oneself in the tranquility of the surroundings, Kala Pathar Beach offers a serene escape and an opportunity to witness nature’s raw splendor.

From Swaraj Dweep our next destination was Neil Island or Shaheed Dweep. We took a ferry trip to reach there. We had booked our tickets on Nautika. It took as almost 45 mins to reach our destination.

Neil Island: Picturesque Destination

Neil Island, a picturesque destination in the A & N Islands, was a delightful exploration of pristine beaches and natural wonders.  Bharatpura Beach, with its shallow and crystal-clear waters, offered a perfect spot for snorkeling and witnessing the vibrant marine life.  Laxman Pura 1 Beach enchanted me with its tranquil atmosphere and breathtaking sunset views, providing a serene escape from the bustling world. The highlight of my visit was the natural bridge, also known as Laxmanpura 2 Beach, where nature’s artistry was on full display. The majestic rock formation created a picturesque backdrop against the glistening waters, leaving me in awe of its beauty. Neil Island, with its captivating beaches and natural marvels, offered a serene and unforgettable experience.


Embarking on my A & N Islands expedition was a charismatic voyage jam-packed with magnificent natural wonders, profound cultural heritage, and inspiriting escapades. Every destination, from the picturesque shores of Havelock Island and Radhanagar to the historically significant landmarks of Cellular Jail and Port Blair, presented me with an unparalleled and distinct encounter at each step of my journey. Exploring Chidiya Tapu, Baratang, Elephanta Beach, Swaraj Deep, and other hidden gems added a touch of adventure and intrigue.

Few of our observation about these beautiful palces. Though it rains heavily over here but the water management system is so excellent, that there was no issue of water logging anywhere. After the rains you will not see potholes. Another interesting thing was, we all talk about is women empowerment, I saw it here. Every cross roads the traffic was controlled by women officers. Also with the scenic beauty you’ll not find people begging to make their living, but instead irrespective of age you’ll find them hard working. We should not just appreciate this but try to implement it in our cities. A great kudos to people living there.

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are truly a paradise on Earth, leaving an indelible mark on every traveler fortunate enough to experience their wonders.